What is Wegovy?

Wegovy is the trade name for injection semaglutide used for weight loss. It has been gaining popularity in the UK over the past year due to its efficacy in managing obesity. It is an FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved drug prescribed by a certified healthcare practitioner. A different dosage of the same drug is used for people with diabetes and is called Ozempic. 

Wegovy works by imitating the glucagon-like peptide -1 (GLP-1). It is therefore a GLP-1 receptor agonist that influences function of the gut and the brain’s appetite centre to control the quantity of food, satiety and appetite. This may in turn result in a lesser energy consumption than usual.     

The benefits of Wegovy are:

  • Helps in weight control and weight loss by 15%.

  • Improves insulin efficacy.

  • Promotes lowering cholesterol.

  • Reduces inflammation.

  • Reduces risk of stroke.

  • Improves blood glucose control.

  • May help in de-addiction from substance abuse such as nicotine and alcohol etc.

  • Improves heart conditions.


A study conducted on 17,604 obese individuals (above 45 years of age) without diabetes on weekly subcutaneous semaglutide 2.4mg showed that there was significant lowering of  the incidence of death due to myocardial infarction, non-fatal myocardial infarction and stroke in comparison to individuals given placebo. 

What are the indications and contraindications of Wegovy?


(If any of the following criteria are satisfied individuals may be given Wegovy)

Individuals with a BMI >30 kg/m2 
Individuals with a BMI 27-30 kg/m2

With any added comorbidity – Diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), heart attack, stroke, blood vessel disorders.

Adolescents >12 years of age + BMI >95th percentile / above 60kg

Note – The criteria for BMI (Body Mass Index) threshold is reduced by 2.5 kg/m2 usually for individuals from South Asian, Chinese, other Asian, Middle Eastern, Black African or African Caribbean family backgrounds.


(If any one of the below criteria are applicable, the individual may not be suitable for Wegovy). Always consult a specialist to chcek if you are suitable for wegovy
Senior citizens (>75 years of age)
Children (<12 years of age)
Pregnant and lactating mothers
Individual with a history of thyroid cancer
Individual with a history of gallbladder issues
Individual with a history of pancreatitis
Individual with a history of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN2)

How can you get Wegovy prescribed?

Wegovy is not an over the counter medication in the UK. It can only be obtained via a prescription under the supervision of a certified healthcare professional. This is to ensure safety of use. The healthcare provider will evaluate the individual’s medical history, medications and suitability of Wegovy.

One can get Wegovy prescribed online through reputable and trustworthy websites for a prescription.

  1. Find a licensed online pharmacy/ medical website.

  2. Provide the required medical information.

  3. A medical professional will review details and decide your suitability to the drug. 

  4. Post approval, a prescription will be given after checking your identity.

  5. Medication will be shipped to the individual’s residence.

  6. Your doctor will be informed unless you have opted out.

Wegovy may also be available through NHS England via Tier 3 or 4 weight management services. 

What is the dosing schedule of Wegovy?

Wegovy is available in 5 preset doses/strengths from 0.25mg to 2.4mg.

The dosing schedule is as below – 

Initiation0.25mgOnce a week for a month
Progression0.5mgOnce a week in the second month
1mgOnce a week in the third month
1.7mgOnce a week in the fourth month
Full dose2.4mgOnce a week in the fifth month
 This dose can be continued further till doctor’s advice
  • If an individual misses a single dose of Wegovy and the next dose is 48 hours later, the missed dose must be taken as soon as possible.

  • However if the missed dose is less than 48 hours away, there is no need to take the missed dose.

  • Always consult a doctor if in doubt.    

How is Wegovy taken?

Wegovy is a subcutaneous injectable.

  1. Use clean and washed hands to inject.

  2. Clean the area to inject (skin of the upper arms, abdominal wall, 2 inches above and sides of the belly button, upper limbs/front thigh) with an alcohol swab or wash with soap and water.

  3. Check the expiry date

  4. The medicine must be colourless or transparent.

  5. Remove the pen cap.

  6. Push the pen into the skin to inject.

  7. Two click sounds will be heard during initiation and injection.

  8. The yellow bar in the window on the pen must move between the duration of the 2 click sounds.

  9. Dispose the injection safely.

  10. Always watch the video instructions provided – click here

How much does Wegovy cost?

The cost of Wegovy will depend on the dose.

Also the cost will depend on the source. One should always get Wegovy prescribed from a reputable medical organisation and where you can get ongoing support. 

Individual insurance policies may determine the coverage of Wegovy or not. Individuals may require specific criteria and specific documents to qualify for insurance coverage. The insurance providers can help understand the extent of coverage. Please discuss with your insurance company.

How long does Wegovy take to work?

Wegovy when taken along with a healthy diet and lifestyle is effective. Weight loss may depend on the individual. Some may have a weight loss in <4 weeks or it may take a few months to witness weight loss. However, reduction in hunger and the sensation of fullness may be noticed in just a few days.

A cohort study conducted on 175 overweight and obese individuals, witnessed a weight loss of 5.9% in a duration of 3 months while 10.9% weight loss was observed in a period of 6 months.

Are there side effects to Wegovy?

Wegovy does not come without side effects. Common side effects can be managed through dietary modification but some serious side effects are provided below, which are not common. 

The common side effects may be:

  • Nausea

  • Diarrhoea

  • Vomiting

  • Constipation

  • Abdominal pain

  • Headache

  • Fatigue

  • Stomach upset

  • Light headedness

  • Burping

  • Chest burn

There may be some serious side effects such as:

  • Anaphylaxis

  • Gallbladder issues

  • Pancreatitis

  • Severe hypoglycaemia

  • Renal issues

  • Tachycardia

  • Diabetic retinopathy

  • Suicidal ideation

  • Depression

General tips for Wegovy usage

  • Wegovy must be coupled with an overall lifestyle change.

  • Take smaller meals frequently.

  • Physical activity is important to burn extra calories. 

  • Avoid fried, fatty food, sugary food and drinks.

  • Avoid addictive behaviours like smoking and alcohol consumption.

  • The diet must be rich in fibre.

  • Improve sleep hygiene.

  • Avoid getting stressed.

  • Be patient. Progress is gradual.

Points to remember

  • Wegovy must not be taken along with other weight loss products/ prescription medications/ herbal products or over the counter drugs.

  • Wegovy is not a magic pill. Sustainable lifestyle changes and dietary habits must be taken to improve efficacy for a healthy weight loss.

  • It is important to read through the packaging label for specific information of concern.

  • Wegovy may not be suitable for all individuals. One may gain weight when taken off Wegovy.

  • The health care provider must be kept aware of all details regarding personal medical history and current medications especially insulin.