

Our team has carefully curated this selection of articles on all things weight.

Despite increased awareness of eating disorders over the past decade, the eating pathology of individuals is still problematic. As a result, certain unspecified eating disorders have risen. Eating disorders are quite prevalent in adolescents, especially in young women with Type 1 diabetes. What is diabulimia? Diabulimia, is a diabetes-specific eating disorder which is characterised as […]

Despite increased awareness of eating disorders over the past decade, the eating pathology of individuals is still problematic. As a result, certain unspecified eating disorders have risen. Eating disorders are quite prevalent

We know that with increasing weight people can develop a number of medical and psychological problems. People who have a high body mass index, that is who are obese are more prone

As the prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, we are sadly seeing an increase in childhood obesity. More parents are now seeking help for their obese children. The prevalence of obesity-related complications

The pursuit of true and lasting friendships can be very challenging. A large number of species have the tendency to form social groups and establish themselves favourably. Similarly, we humans seek the

Our bustling lifestyles have contributed to the increasing prevalence of obesity and its associated medical problems. Sure, we appreciate the need for activity and healthy eating but in reality many of us

What do we mean by breakfast? The term breakfast in English literally refers to the breaking of the fasting period of the previous night. In nutritional terms, breakfast is the first meal

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