Category: Medical

Can Certain Utensils Lead to Diseases

Can Certain Utensils Lead to Diseases?

The utensils we use for cooking can impact our health, as certain materials may leach metals or release toxic substances into food. Different cookware materials like non-stick, aluminum, stainless steel, copper, ceramic,

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Does Poor Sleep Lead to a Poor Diet

Does Poor Sleep Lead to a Poor Diet?

Sleep deprivation is becoming a global pandemic, often overlooked in its negative health impacts. Poor sleep and poor diet create a vicious cycle, disrupting our circadian rhythm and hormone balance. This leads

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Why do Indians have Belly Fat?

Why do Indians have Pot Belly?

Subcutaneous and visceral belly fat increases the risk of cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Visceral fat, which is more harmful, surrounds organs and is found beneath the skin. Waist circumference,

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