Cooking can be a tedious process for some while some consider it to be therapy. On weekdays, most of us hustle hard and we may most often forget to have our meals which are usually fast food or takeaway, let alone eating healthy. Even the little time we have on hand, we usually like to use it as “me time”. But did you know that you can prepare healthy meals on a busy schedule?

Yes, you understood it right. Eating healthy is actually a way of self-care. There is more to taking care of yourself than skincare or exercise or meditation. It is actually easier to eat healthy when you are on a busy schedule than at the weekend. 

Regardless of whether you are a business executive, new mom or stay at home mom or even a busy chef, you need to eat healthy.

What is healthy eating?

Healthy eating is the practice of eating a balanced diet. By eating healthy you can protect yourself from many diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart issues, hyperlipidaemia etc. There are several guidelines recommended by different organisations for a healthy lifestyle.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests:

  • The energy you consume must be balanced and within your daily energy expenditure.
  • Ensure the total fat in your daily diet does not exceed 30% (of which, saturated fats must be less than 10% and trans fast less than 1%).
  • Focus more on unsaturated fats.
  • Ensure your daily salt consumption is within 5g/day.
  • Limit added sugars.

The Eatwell guide suggests:

  • Include at least 5 servings of colourful fruits and vegetables daily.
  • Include dairy and dairy alternatives in the diet.
  • Include meat, eggs, fish, beans, pulses etc. for your daily protein. 
  • Include complex carbohydrates like potatoes, whole grain pasta, rice etc.
  • Drink plenty of water and fluids.
  • Use unsaturated oils for cooking in moderation.

Though these guidelines are quite easy to understand, we may often forget to keep all these pointers in mind during daily life. So, here are few ways you can eat healthy on a busy schedule:

1. Understand the difference between whole foods and convenient food

Whole foods are very close to their natural form. They are minimally processed and provide good nutrients without any additives. Ex. red rice, fresh fruit etc.

Convenient foods are a type of processed food. They are intentionally changed in terms of structure and composition, to increase their shelf life, taste and increase convenience. Ex. sausages, packaged fruit juice.

Health consequences of consuming convenient food:

  • Obesity – Convenient food is high in calories and lacks nutrients, so this can lead to weight gain and obesity.

  • Heart Diseases – Convenient foods are rich in trans fat and also sodium. They also contain added sugars and thereby increase the risk of heart diseases.

  • Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – Convenient food is a type of processed food which is predominantly made of refined carbohydrates and added sugars. This may be one reason for developing type 2 diabetes.

  • Cancer – Processed food or convenient food contains additives and preservatives. These are chemical agents added to improve the taste as well as enhance the shelf life of the food. These three together can increase the risk of cancer.

    • Inflammation – Convenient food can trigger chronic inflammation and can lead to many diseases like metabolic syndrome, arthritis, asthma, and also mental health issues like depression.

    2. Revise your grocery list

    If your grocery list was previously focused on ready-to-eat meals, baked goods, biscuits, aerated drinks and processed juices, you can create a new list from scratch.

    Here is how you must organise your shopping list

    • Fresh produce – Fresh produce like vegetables and fruits are usually the first on the aisle. Choose all your favourite produce and if you are quite lucky, you may find some at a discount too.

    • Meat – Meat and seafood can be expensive. If you are a family of one, try to choose the smaller cuts of meat since they are usually cheaper. If you do feel it is a little difficult to marinate your meat, you could go with marinated meat so you can just pop it in the oven and go about other activities. You can also buy rotisserie chicken which has multi-purposes, you can add it to sandwiches, salads etc.

    • Canned food – If you choose carefully, even canned goods can be healthy. Ensure you choose pulses and legumes like garbanzo beans in brine or vegetables in brine etc.

    • Frozen food – Frozen food can be a great source of nutrients and can be convenient too. Choose frozen vegetables to speed up your pre-preparation process. Frozen meat can also be a good source of proteins. Try to avoid frozen nuggets or pre-made chicken as they are very processed.  

    • Dry food – Dry food usually indicates your source of carbohydrates. Based on your preference, choose from a range of options such as sourdough bread, wild rice, oats etc. However, try to avoid refined flour goods as well as the confectionary section.

    • Dairy and eggs – Dairy sources such as yoghurt, buttermilk, cheese, butter, and cream are great additions to meals. Eggs are a cheap source of protein and good fats. However both these are easily perishable, so do not bulk shop on these.

    • Spices and condiments – Variety is the spice of life. Add some spice and flavour to meals by choosing turmeric powder, chilli powder, cardamom powder etc. Though salt is not a spice, remember to buy some salt too.    

    However, remember to never go shopping hungry! If you don’t have time you could get grocery home delivered too.

    3. Practise meal prep

    Meal prep can be a gift in your busy schedule. During your evenings or the weekend, you could try some of these tips:

    • Invest in meal prep containers to keep food fresh in the long run.
    • Find yummy meal prep recipes.
    • You could choose the mealtimes and quantity of food you want to prepare for.
    • Certain foods such as frozen food, potatoes, fresh vegetables, meat, eggs, whole grains like pasta, rice etc. are best for meal prep.
    • Frozen food, berries, cut fruit, salads, crackers, chips etc. are not meal prep-friendly food.

    4. Become a creature of habit

    Don’t mind repeating the same meals several times a week or day. Consistency is key. Give yourself time to get used to your new eating habits and be patient with yourself. Rome was not built in a day. Have a set of clear goals for the week.

    5. Focus on main meals

    Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the 3 major meals of the day you need to focus on. 

    Here are some healthy meal ideas for each:


    • Strawberry banana smoothie (wash and cut fruits and put them in the freezer).
    • Multigrain waffles (make a readymade premix to pour into waffle moulds when you need it).
    • Healthy fruit jam with bread (make some healthy fruit compote for the week).

    Lunch and dinner

    • Chicken stir fry with vegetables and rice (add precooked rice, cooked vegetables and marinated chicken and bake in the oven).
    • Pesto pasta (make pesto sauce and add to pre-boiled pasta and just give it a stir).
    • Cooking is an art and also an essential life skill. You can join a cooking class or start simple with recipes and be determined to cook your best meal with all your heart.
    • Chicken sandwich (add shredded rotisserie chicken, some lettuce and healthy dressings and place it between toasts).

    6. Keep a food backup plan

    It is okay if you have missed eating a healthy homemade meal cooked with love. In case you have to eat out, try to choose healthy options such as a salad or a wrap which has all the macronutrients. 

    7. Learn cooking

    Cooking is an art and also an essential life skill. You can join a cooking class or start simple with recipes and be determined to cook your best meal with all your heart.

    8. Keep a record of healthy meal ideas

    Keep the meal plan ideas you have used, in a diary. This can help you decide on what to eat especially when you have a brain fog and keep you feeling happy as you take care of your health.

    Eating healthy and taking care of your health is a beautiful feeling. Take baby steps and start your journey to living a healthy life.

    Dietetic Researcher, Simplyweight