Have you ever thought of calling it a day, curling up in your bed and watching Netflix rather than going out to practise a boring workout? 

Yes! All of us have practically been there and done that too! Time and again we have heard people preach about the benefits of exercise on Youtube, Instagram, social interactions and where not but sometimes you are just tired of hustling hard. What if I told you that you can make exercises joyful and rewarding?

Consider this your personal and fun exercise guide and thank me later!

1. Invest in entertaining fitness equipment

There are an ample number of fitness equipment which are available. If you take time to do your own research you can find your go to fun and entertaining gadgets beyond the basic treadmills and dumbells. 

Here are some of them which will help you get mesmerised in the joy of movement:

    • Trampoline – You could set up a trampoline in the backyard exclusively for exercise. They are a fun way to get your cardio workout done when you are bored of the monotonous treadmill running.

    • Hula hoops – You can get a weighted hula hoop which can be a great addition to your core workout regime. Put on an interesting jam and dance your way to health with weighted hula hoops. It can strengthen your hips, abdomen, glutes and legs.

    • Tidal tank – A tidal tank is not your traditional set of weights. It is a bag which can be filled with water (up to 45lb or 20kg) and can be used for core workouts, planks, squats and lunges.

    • Interactive plank board – The interactive plank board can be used to strengthen your core, legs, arms and back muscles. It can help you improve balance as well. You can connect it to your smart TV or smart phone and play games as you hit your fitness goals on their synchronised app.

    • Exercise dice – These are usually a pack of 3 dice which have 2 dice for HIIT workouts and a third one for stretches and yoga poses. You can simply roll the dice as many times you please and workout for a suitable time duration.

    2. Find a gym buddy

    Irrespective of gender, having a gym buddy can be fun for those who love the company while working out. You need not go to great lengths to find someone who already has a six pack or an ideal body type, you just need someone who may be a beginner just like you and has the same fitness mindset. 

      • They act as a good emotional support

      • Your risk of getting injured is less

      • You can bond and have fun

      • You can motivate each other

      • You tend to be more committed

      3. Choose a practical time and goal

      It can be quite demotivating when you sincerely want to focus on your fitness goal but are unable to due to a hectic schedule. Write down your current schedule and find gaps in between meetings to focus on health. You could also practise chair workouts if you have a jam packed schedule. If you know you are going to have a long day, wake up early and workout. Similarly if you know you get off work early, you could carry your gym bag with you to work. Most offices have a workout facility, make use of that as you catch up with your colleagues.

      4. Practise fitness affirmations

      Yes, there are affirmations for fitness as well! You can say them out loudly to yourself, say them as you workout, write them on a piece of paper and stick them on a wall or listen to a recorded affirmation.

      Here are some affirmations you can practise:

        • I love exercising

        • Exercising makes me happy

        • Progress not perfection defines my fitness journey

        • I am consistent in my fitness journey

        • I am determined and disciplined to my workout regime

        5. Never compare

        Comparing yourself with others is always going to demotivate you. With social media and Youtube, there are plenty of platforms where the subconscious mind is constantly comparing yourself to others. You believe what the mind thinks. Fuel your mind with positive thoughts and images. Each body is different so it is not fair of you to compare. Take pictures of your progress and use that as fuel for a positive mindset.

        6. Buy new fitness couture

        Buying fitness accessories and clothes not only motivate you to slay your workout but also in style. Fitness trackers also help assess progress and provide useful health insights. Choosing the right clothes make you feel comfortable and can assist in full range motion of the body.

          7. Practise recreational sports

          Recreational sports like horse riding, skiing, rowing, rock climbing, golf etc. are sophisticated and fun ways to exercise for all ages alike. They help reduce stress levels, improve flexibility, balance, agility etc. while you learn a new skill. 

          8. Create your workout jam

          Choosing the right music which is dedicated only to your workout can help improve your workout rhythm and boost your mood. Spotify and Youtube also have many workout playlists which you can just click on when you start your workout.

          9. Make your furry buddy, your workout buddy

          Yes, your pet can be a silent fitness trainer and motivator. The best part is once you make it a habit to go on a trek or a walk at a particular time each day, your dog will act as your fitness trainer and never let you sit in peace until you take him/her out for a walk. This way you give into those puppy eyes and body with your dog as you hit your fitness goal.

          Exercise is for everyone. Just like how we need to eat everyday, our bodies need to sweat it out too! Make fitness a fun part of your regime with our 9 tips and reach your fitness goals. However, do speak to a certified fitness coach or your doctor before you start any new fitness regime before you start having fun.

          Dietetic Researcher, Simplyweight