“Wild is the music of autumnal winds, amongst the faded woods”- William Wordsworth

Here comes the cosiest season of the year – Autumn. The characteristic scent of autumn – rotting leaves, trees and plants combined with scenic hues of yellow, orange and red brings to mind pumpkin spice latte, apple spice, fun fests and Halloween. This transitional season, one can find skeins of geese because it is the migratory season as well. Days become shorter and nights become longer, the weather becomes chiller, animals prepare for hibernation and we prepare for the festive seasons such as Halloween and Thanksgiving. But along with it comes a change in our mindset – we tend to take a backseat and relax as it also marks the fag end of the year. However this does not mean that we can distort our attention from being physically active and we must take it as a challenge. 

1. Embrace the outdoors

In this day and age we are getting enslaved to technology and gadgets. Even though it is a boon and a bane. We may see a majority of people with their tech devices on hand and not conscious of their beautiful surroundings and reconnect to society. Experience the changes of autumn, enjoy the cool breeze hitting your face as you go on an evening stroll or as you bike down the road. It is the best season to go and have a look around town and enjoy fall activities. Make a bucket list of all activities you want to get done this season and tick them off as you complete. It will give you a sense of satisfaction and motivation to complete the list. It is said that individuals who participate regularly in outdoor activity react better to stressful situations and have high productivity. 

2. Hit the gym

Gym is short for “gymnasium”. Get a gym membership and make it a habit of going to the gym. With the winter season next in line, outdoor workout will most probably be compromised. 

A gym may offer several attractive facilities such as:

  • Cardiovascular area
  • Functional fitness area
  • Free weights area
  • Stretching and mobility area
  • Sauna and steam room
  • Personal training 

However, gym etiquette is important to understand before joining the gym.

Here are a few things to keep in mind before joining the gym especially if you are a fresher:

  • Choose a gym of proximal distance to work or home.

  • Choose the package of shortest duration – gyms make most money from those who sign up annually and may never show up, so it is important to be cautious.

  • Do not compare yourself with other gym attendees.

  • Do not take unnecessary supplements based on a third person’s advice.

  • Start slow and be consistent, do not expect immediate drastic changes in physique


3. Be social

Seasonal activities are quite enjoyable and fun at the same time.

Activities such as :

  • Apple picking – Apples ripen at different paces depending on the variety. The best time to pick apples is between late summer and late October. Apples picked very early tend to be small and tart while those picked late tend to be soft and less flavourful.

  • Corn maze – A dear activity of autumn, it is a good pass time with family and friends. Participate in oher barn activities too such as pony rides, petting zoo etc.

  • Visit a pumpkin patch – Harvest your own pumpkin and carve it or paint it anything you do, it sets the mood for Halloween season.

  • Enjoy seasonal food – Enjoy hot crispy doughnuts and wash it down with hot cider, pumpkin flavoured food or cobbler, toffee apples etc.

  • Visit a farmer’s market –  Walk down to the nearest farmers market and shop for fresh and home made produce. 


4. Take your pet for a walk

The cool temperature makes it enjoyable for your pooch and you to enjoy some personal time together. Jump into puddles, sniff new smells, put on your boots and coat. However, help your pet get slowly acclimated to the changing temperature or it may be a shock to your pet’s body. 

Here are some safety tips for walking your dog in autumn:

  • Watch out for snakes and tarantulas.

  • Be cautious, your pet does not eat any poisonous mushrooms and bulbs of autumn crocus.

  • Take safety precautions during the local hunting season.

  • Get a glow/reflective walking gear for your pet.


5. Go for a cold water swim

Autumn swimming is a wholesome experience. Lakes and reservoirs can help you kill two birds with one stone that is swimming in a scenic geographic location and physical activity at the same time. Sunrise swims or night swimming is also a possible activity. Cold water bodies tend to reserve the summer heat in the lower bed. Even though one might be used to swimming in summers due to the change in water temperature it is necessary to observe how your body reacts after the swim. The initial hindrance for about 30 seconds to 2 minutes to adapt to the body temperature might occur but it is due to quick endorphin rush which settles soon called cold water shock. Take your swimming kit and change quickly. 

Things to pack in your swimming kit:

  • Swimming costume
  • Towels
  • Changing robe
  • Thermals
  • A change of dress
  • Flask with your hot drink.

6. Have the perfect picnic

The word “picnic” originates from the French word “Pique un niche” which literally translates to “pick a place”. It is a  must do activity in autumn, due to three attractive reasons :

  • Beautiful scenery
  • Smell of autumn
  • A opportunity to meet up

A tradition of picnic lunches include sandwiches, rolls, pies and warm comforting drinks. Choose your favourite picnic location such as a park, beach or in a quaint location in the forest and plan in advance including checking the weather forecast and rejoicing in the season.

7. Catch up on your backyard chores

Having tall trees in your backyard may be a burden to clean up in preparation for winter. But removing weeds and preparing garden beds, mowing the lawn etc. will help improve the aesthetic of your garden and also keep you physically fit since it is a form of warm up. However, it is important to note that yard work can also lead to injuries.

Take precautions such as:

  • Squat instead of bending
  • Lift from the legs
  • Wear the right footwear
  • Take frequent breaks
  • Use gardening tools and equipment to ease work


8. Participate in marathons

A marathon is a long distance foot race of a fixed distance usually on road. Running in marathons is a great way to alleviate stress and improve professional life. It requires dedication and discipline to commit to working on yourself. It can motivate and help you be focused. It also improves teamwork skills in the workplace and improves your networking. You can choose marathons of preferred distance such as half marathon or an ultramarathon etc.


9. Go for a trek/hike

Also known as green exercise, the changing weather, the scenic beauty and the insects are not as troublesome. The outdoors boost your mood and there is a higher chance of you sticking to your outdoor routine. Hiking is a whole body exercise from head to toe and is the best way to exercise. The types of hikes are:

  • Day hikes
  • Dog hikes
  • Solo hiking
  • Soft hiking
  • Rain hikes
  • Southwest hikes etc. 

It does not matter which type of hike you like, you will still reap the same rewards.

Benefits of hiking:

  • It boosts cardiac health.

  • It improves physical balance.

  • It improves mindfulness.

  • It helps in muscle gain.

  • It improves bone mineral density.

  • It aids in weight loss.

  • It improves quality of sleep.

  • Improves outdoor skills

Here are some miscellaneous tips for this autumn season

  • Get good quality sleep.

  • Manage stress effectively.

  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol (if you drink alcohol consider drinking in moderation).

  • Have a healthy close-knit circle of friends and family.

  • Practise meditation and breathing exercises.

Staying fit is a challenge and each season presents its own unique flaws and barriers which we can overcome through dedication and perseverance. Some of the common barriers we as individuals may face to cope with are – 

  • Poor time management

  • Lack of nurturing environment from family and friends for motivation.

  • Lack of resources and equipment.

  • Personal commitments

  • Lack of fixed schedule

  • Frequent travel opportunities

It is important to understand that we must not get indulged by the temptation to become a couch potato and be active every single minute because as Erin Gray said “Once you are exercising regularly, the hardest thing is to stop it”. We all have it in us to be as active as a pea on griddle, it requires just a minute boost in energy for things to fall in place. 


Dietetic Researcher, Simplyweight